Home Schooling...
Below are our articles on the subject of Home Schooling. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Is Home Schooling right for your Child?
We look at whether or not Home Schooling is right for your child and the means by which you can decide whether Home Schooling would serve your child better than a…...
Private Tutoring and Your Child
This article provides an overview of private tutoring, how it works and how it can work for the benefit of your child...
Rules of Home Schooling
This article provides an overview on the subject of Home Schooling, it's advantages and disadvantages, and how it is perceived and governed by your Local Education…...
What is Flexi-schooling?
Flexi-schooling is a scheme where usually primary school children spend part of the school week learning at home. It is a controversial way to learn, but more and more…...
What is Home Schooling?
An overview of Home Schooling and whether or not it is something that you - as a parent - and your child can benefit from...