If you do find yourself in the position where you feel you have a case for appealing against the decision of the Local Education Authority and/or the admissions authority it is required that you supply the Independent Appeal Panel with evidence to back up your appeal.
Preparing Your Case
Start preparing your case as soon as you have decided you wish to appeal to decision. Initially you should start by making notes as to why you feel your child should have been granted a place at the school of your choice and also contact anyone that can provide you with written support or indeed is able to appear in person at an appeal hearing.
Once you have made a request to appeal the Admissions Authority is required to advise you at least 14 days (10 working days) before the date of your appeal. You can waive this however if you wish to take advantage of a cancellation and you and any witnesses can make themselves available at short notice.
The Admissions Authority will supply you with a copy of their statement outlining the reasons as to why they have rejected your application and, although they will have it on the day, it is advisable to include it in any material you wish to present before them.
At your appeal you will be asked to produce evidence backing up your decision to appeal and also strengthening the case for a reversal. This evidence can take many forms and can vary in relation to the reasons for an appeal.
If, for example, you are appealing because of difficulties with transport and getting your child to a specific school it might well be advantageous if you can offer up evidence from local bus companies or taxi firms with reference to fares and also routes. Bus timetables can be submitted as evidence in such instances. Also a letter from your current employer might also go some way to strengthening your case if commuting to and from work to pick up and drop off your child are cited as reasons for appeal. Also if you are claiming that it is too expensive to send your child to a particular school because of fuel costs etc evidence backing this up will be helpful.
Also if you feel that you are unable to continue working for your current employer given such circumstances, a written statement from them confirming this would be useful.Likewise if you are citing an appeal on the grounds that your child requires special needs education then documentary evidence from your GP and/or an independent specialist would also be useful. Indeed if they can attend the appeal in person and answer any questions the panel may have this will be of great benefit.
As there are many different reasons for appealing the decision of the Admissions Authority, the list can be quite extensive so it is wise to seek help from a professional individual, such as a solicitor or a member of an organisation specialising in school appeals and ask them if they can help you compile the evidence you need.
If they can attend as well this will be of great help and will show the appeal panel that you have thought out your reasons for appeal thoroughly and that it is not just a case of wanting you child at a specific school for no other reason than you feel it is a good school.
In conclusion – as we have already discussed – there are many different reasons for appealing the decision of the Admissions Authority and to enhance your chances of success in appealing the more evidence and information and expert statements you can provide the more chance you will have of success.
But it is also worth noting that not appeals are successful so again it is wise to have another look at other schools within your catchment area and perhaps making a shortlist again.
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Hi.We will move to Cardiff during the Summer vacation to be closer to my elderly parents( having postponed the move twice due to the school choice being over subscribed ) we applied for year 5 year place in the only school in the catchment area. Previously all othe schools within a 5 mile radius were also over subscribed. i have been informed that the school of choice within the catchment area is still over subscribed.
Public transport is non exsistant and taxi fees are expensive.What should my focus on the appeal process be?
Nigel - 4-Jun-24 @ 9:18 AM
My daughter didn t get a place at her first choice of secondaryschool.all her friends from school are going there.since she found out she is crying and i don t know what to say to her. I m afraid she will go under depression. I have to mention that the school is catholic and we are not catholic but she was attending a catholic primary school. Please help me with an advice. Thank you
Francis - 13-Mar-24 @ 4:16 PM
Hello. We applied for a school place- secondary school for our son. We put 2 preferred schools, but he was offered a place in 3th completely different school 3-4 miles away from our house. All of his school mates are accepted to their preferred schools and he is very upset. There is no good option for public transport to the school, he has to walk long distance and he also doesn’t feel safe to use public transport. I’m ready to drive him to school, but I have little one who is 3. He has difficulties and couldn’t find a nursery for him more than a year. I found one 2 months ago and he is starting now, but the school that is offered to his brother is in the opposite direction and I’m not able to be at the both places at the same time. Please tell me what to do. It is impossible for me to cope with this situation.
Peps - 3-Mar-24 @ 12:29 AM
I need help appealing for my daughter’s secondary school place, she didn’t get her first choice and I’m struggling to put together an appeal. What kind of supporting documents do I need? How do I prove that we are in the process of moving close to our desired school? How do I prove that our desired school would benefit my daughter? How many pieces of evidence do I need to provide in order to be successful?
Sam - 1-Mar-22 @ 8:36 PM
Hi. I have recently moved to Corby and we applied for an in year place to 3 schools closest home. He didn't get into any. He is coming from an outstanding schooland a school that was 10 min wLk from home. What should my focus on the appeal process be. One of the schools is a faith school which is 15 min drive fromhome. We won't mind him going there. The other one is 5 min walk from home. That is our preferred. They say the year group is full.
Lemon - 13-Aug-20 @ 2:37 PM
Hi my daughter was refused a place at a school that she stepsister also attends, this school is a 4 minute walk from our home, my daughter struggles emotionally and also has dyslexia, and also has a court Order Due to being at risk from her father to which none of this was considered with the request, but a few of her Friends, who have no siblings and are out with the catchment area have been accepted,I have asked For An appeal as this school will be beneficial for my daughter emotionally, any advice on the appeal would be grateful
May - 3-May-20 @ 2:24 PM
All help or advise needed urgently before my appeal please? My daughter did not get a place at her first choice of primary school (reception). My daughter was given a place in a school that goes under a different council to which my older daughter goes.This creates a big challenge for us as the two girls will be having different holidays and breaks preventing us from going on holiday together as a family. More importantly, the child care will be a nightmare to us as we will be arranging it for two girls at different times during the schools break. Is this a valid reason to build our appeal on? Any advice please!
SiSi - 2-May-20 @ 12:33 AM
My daughter has been refused a place at her preferd school.its a catholic school and she is baptised,she lives a 10 min walk away and her sister goes there but unfortunately I sent in the form late.do you think I have a chance at an appeal?
Sal - 16-Apr-20 @ 6:21 PM
My son was not offered the first 5 choices of secondary and offered the 6th school which is out of the borough But 3.1miles. However my son wants to go to a particular school where is felt connected on the 2 visits we did, school is further away 4.69miles. My son suffers from socialising issues in current school as it is not ethnically diverse. A referral to Cams team has been made. Can i use this as a appeal reason a) ethnically diversity b) this school will support his stoical/education needs
ZeeShah - 6-Mar-20 @ 12:23 AM
My daughter was not picked from her first choice of school pick and she has made hef mind up to be in the school as she thought is definitely the school or no other school but to tell her nos that she is not pick is a bit difficult. I want to appeal but how to go about it. And what say as excuse for my appeal.
Ash - 5-Mar-20 @ 10:35 AM
Hi ! My daughter didn t get a place at her first choice of secondary school partially it's my fault made when doing admission form I accidentally wrote wrong scahool..all her friends from school are going there.since she found out she is crying and i don t know what to say to her. I m afraid she will go under depression. I have to mention that the school is catholic and we are not catholic but she was attending a catholic primary school. Please help me with an advice. Thank you
Shab - 3-Mar-20 @ 8:39 PM
Hi !
My daughter didn t get a place at her first choice of secondaryschool.all her friends from school are going there.since she found out she is crying and i don t know what to say to her. I m afraid she will go under depression.
I have to mention that the school is catholic and we are not catholic but she was attending a catholic primary school.
Please help me with an advice.
Thank you
Rod - 3-Mar-20 @ 4:58 PM
All help or advise needed before my appeal please?My daughter has been refused a place from the secondary school. Admission team give for her place in school 6 miles from home . We apply for school what is 1.3 miles for home and close this secondary my the younger daughter attends to junior school ( exactly same road where secondary) .plus I have 2 years old baby at home . I cant menage another secondary school . Please give me any advice .
Ana - 2-Mar-20 @ 9:58 PM
My daughter auditioned to get into a performing art school there are 30 places and she was offered a place but she has been turned down for the school? My other 2 children are in the same pathway at the same school but we live 9 miles away so i dont understand why she hasnt been given a place?
Zoe - 1-Mar-20 @ 4:36 PM
How to write appeal. Grade 11.fails Geography.
Zo - 12-Jan-20 @ 7:26 PM
Hi there i have a 5 year old son that is in mainstream school at the minute but the local authority have said he needs a special needs school which we disagree with, his getting head teachers awards pupil of the week for his work he is producing at the minute and his 1 to 1 teacher cant belive how well he is progressing and starting to catch up to his peers and we have seen a HUGE improvememt at home also i was just wondering how i go about appealig this decision because we think it would be benefical for him staying and carrying on to progress in the setting he is already in. All if any advice i would be grateful because im lost as where to start with this.
Mark - 13-May-19 @ 10:29 PM
All help or advise needed before my appeal please?My daughter has been refused a place from the nursery that she goes now! She’s been there for 2 years and she has settled down and haveso many friends!
If someonehas gone through that can help a bit what reasons to put!
Sorry about my English not so good!!
Atirem - 23-Apr-19 @ 5:53 PM
All advice and help needed before my appeal pls??
My son AC has been refused a place at our first choice school, also a feeder secondary school for the primary he currently attends. My son AC suffers from social shyness and dose not addapt well to change, this refusal will separate him from all his close friends he has attended school with since nursrey as they have all secured a place at our first choice school, even tho our home is the closest to secondary school.
My son AC is very intelligent, well mannered young man who would be assett to any school but social diffuclties have had a hard impact on his education ability in the past which is not an issue ATM. I am very worried about they effects this will have on my son as his primary school friends and out of school social group have been the only consistancy in his years at his Primary school. AC has learned to trust and able to have a healthy social life at school his friends gave him the confidence and support over the years to settle and do extreamly well at school.
When my son AC found out he hadn’t got in to his choosen school with all his friends he was distraught (this was his worst worrie) I think this move from his friends, no matter the support from me will defiantly have affect on my son ability to learn in a huge way along with him emotionally.
Our home is 0.4 mile from our first choice school which is a 7 min walk and he has been refused admition yet has been offered a place at a secondary school that is 4 mile from our home and is a 30-40 min bus ride each way my son has never traveled by public transport ever on his own and is unable to.
I have a 6 year old daughter still attending primary school makes it impossible for me to drop off and collect both of my children on time each day because there is a 4 mile travel distance between the two schools.
I need help with what rights I have in my favour and what grounds to base my appeal on? Any help and advice would be appreciated
Thanks marie
All advice and help needed before my appeal pls??
My son AC has been refused a place at our first choice school, also a feeder secondary school for the primary he currently attends. My son AC suffers from social shyness and dose not addapt well to change, this refusal will separate him from all his close friends he has attended school with since nursrey as they have all secured a place at our first choice school, even tho our home is the closest to secondary school.
My son AC is very intelligent, well mannered young man who would be assett to any school but social diffuclties have had a hard impact on his education ability in the past which is not an issue ATM. I am very worried about they effects this will have on my son as his primary school friends and out of school social group have been the only consistancy in his years at his Primary school. AC has learned to trust and able to have a healthy social life at school his friends gave him the confidence and support over the years
Marie - 16-Apr-19 @ 3:59 PM
Hi, my daughter didn't pass her 11 plus but I'm appealing the decision as I don't feel the scores are a true reflection of her capability.The test paper that let her down is Maths which ironically is her top subject.She failed to answer 8 questions.Her sister attends the grammar school that we appealing for.I need some advice as to how I should start the appeal, reasons for appeal? Just want to make sure I word everything correctly. Any help will be ver much appreciated.
SolyMar - 25-Mar-19 @ 12:34 PM
Hi, I need help in appealing my Son's school place at upton court grammar school. As per the score she is in 2nd rank waiting list and distance wise its 69. She got admission in Kent where i need to move now. But I want to appeal for Upton court as she is very intelligent and not willing to move out of london. Anyone please help to appeal.
Thanger - 19-Mar-19 @ 12:31 PM
Does. Anyone know the full process of appealing against a secondary school
Dawnk - 7-Feb-19 @ 10:55 PM
Hi I need urgent help I am appealing my seven years old son,we moved house two years ago. My son is still going to his old school. My daughter got a placement from the school near the house but he has been on a waiting list for over two years now,he’s name came down to number 1 on the waiting listbut unfortunatelymy daughter left and went to secondary school, I was told that my sons name went down to number 18 on the waiting list after all that wait. Right now I am struggling my daughter is going to a high school which is on the other side and my son is going to his old school which is on the other side so basically I am in the middle,both schools all apart from my home and they are both on the opposite directions,both of them start at 8:45 AM no way I can get to both schools at once,they both finish at 3 PM too and I’m having the same problem I have no family thatcan take my kids for me , I have friends but they have kids of there own so it’s a big struggle for me. My husband iworks for the railway and he’s shifts are all over the place. so I can’t get him to help me eithier. The bus stop is too far for my daughter it’s a 20mins walk to the bus stop and once she gets off it’s another 15 minutes walk due to health conditions I don’t want her to walk for that long as she has had asthma attacks previously. I’ve lost my job as I couldn’t get to work on time. Please help me with this appeal
Jenny - 9-Sep-18 @ 9:49 PM
@Sewa - unfortunately, there is nothing you can do until but wait :(
BecsB - 18-Jun-18 @ 11:18 AM
I did appeal tomy son for secondary school. My appeal was heard on the 11/05/2018 until now I'm waiting for appeal success or not. Could you help me please what can I do ?
Sewa - 16-Jun-18 @ 6:38 PM
Hiua just want to no if anyone can help me with a letter as my daughter is in year 8 and i moved from from 1 school to another as she was getting bullied and i wasnt happy but i thought be best to move her and i dod and shes just cant settle there shes been havin panic attacks and came very unsettle crying all the time and school was sending her home and i have tryed to get back in her old school as she feels like she will come more settled back there as she nos people as at the school shes in she doesnt no anyone and finding it hard to talk to people and i need to appeal for her to go back just want to no if anyone can help my with a letter to try get her back in her old school
Kaz - 12-Mar-18 @ 1:43 PM
Hi, I have twins aged 11 starting secondary in September and found out last week one of kids got her 2nd place at a school in havering while my son her twin got a school in Redbridge. I am a single mum working full time how am i suppose to do this? Please any suggestions welcome :(
Lenalee - 10-Mar-18 @ 6:38 AM
Can you help me draft a letter of appeal. My son has been denied education in a faith sch.
Frank - 8-Mar-18 @ 7:14 PM
Need some advice for secondary school appeal.
My daughter attends a catholic school and is a feeder school to a catholic College which we didn’t get a place but all her friends did.
Awful situation
Anyone help?
Boo - 1-Mar-18 @ 5:18 PM
@G-bear - sorry to hear what you have been through :( Ask your MP to help. If you have proof that your ex did this, then you absolutely have a case.
DG - 17-Oct-17 @ 11:03 AM
@Adriana - I'd say you have - if the schools admissions thought she was in school. There are way too many people falling through the schooling net these days. A person could keep their child off school and no one would ever check. Shocking!