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Parent Teacher Associations

By: Jack Claridge - Updated: 2 Feb 2021 | comments*Discuss
Parents Teachers Pta Syllabus Meetings

Throughout the United Kingdom and the United Kingdom schooling system there are Parent Teacher Associations, which offer assistance to both teachers and parents alike as their children and pupils make the journey through their schooling years. It is useful to understand what the role of a Parent Teacher Association is and of what use it can be for both parents and children as their children are educated in a particular school for what is normally a length of time.

What is a PTA?

A Parent Teacher Association is a body made up of both parents and teachers alike who have a responsibility to the teaching and welfare of the children under their care – be they the parent or the teacher responsible for their welfare during school hours.The general goal of a PTA is to bring about an understanding between parents and the school at which their child – or children – are being taught. PTA’s are used as a means of bringing about dialogue between both parents and teachers in an informal atmosphere with the aim of uniting both and helping each understand what the requirements are for the children in their care.

How PTA’s Work

Parent Teacher Associations meet on a regular basis – be it monthly bi-monthly or quarterly – to discuss and bring issues to the fore that may go unnoticed: whilst meeting parents and teachers alike can address topics which might normally be only discussed by the Board of Governors in a school who do not always make their findings known to all parents. Parents are encouraged to discuss the curriculum and syllabus under which their children are being taught and teachers are encouraged to discuss how they do this and also what parents can do to assist them outside school with their child’s schooling. It is also a forum for suggestions and ideas to be raised and represents a more positive and mutually beneficial approach to schooling than simply having once yearly parent’s evenings.

Again from school to school the role of the Parent Teachers Association can vary and can be used to help raise much needed funds for the school, provide assistance to other parents for school trips and outings, assist in the running of after school clubs and also to maintain a constant link between the school and those parents who – for whatever reason – cannot attend PTA meetings.

Who can join a PTA?

There are obviously logistical considerations to be taken into account when joining a PTA but for the most part anyone who is a parent or registered guardian of a child at school can attend the PTA meetings. Logistically it is not always possible for a parent to attend these meetings; for example a parent may work irregular shift patterns or may not have transport or indeed may have younger children at home that cannot be left unattended. Parents wishing to join their school’s PTA can do so by contacting their child’s school and acquainting themselves with the ways and wherefores of how the PTA operates and when it meets. It is also worth noting that if your child’s school does not have a PTA in operation you – as a parent or guardian – can if you so wish start one up. Speaking to your child’s head teacher is a good start to finding out how to go about this. But it can be done and the NCPTA (National Confederation of Parent Teachers Associations) will be able to provide you with all the help and guidance you need as well as such things as how to insure your PTA should it be responsible for transporting children from one location to another.

It may sound to some like a waste of time but a PTA is an invaluable resource in providing your child – and children like them – and their school, with the means to having a healthy and enjoyable education.

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Hi,my son is 10 yrs now ,he's very intelligent and commuted to his work.he's in public school and his wish is to go to Private school and I'm not working and I'm a single mother.he is a hard worker
Tsakanie - 2-Feb-21 @ 7:40 AM
Hi, I have a niece that's is so brilliant, she is in a state school grade 7, here mother is unemployed that she wish she can studying on private school and we wish you can help us to take this opportunity of get her forward to study. The kid she is very talented on music, likes to sing church and ballad music.
Nceba - 25-Jan-21 @ 8:38 PM
Looking for information on who actually needs to be at every meeting? Wondered if anyone could help please.
Katbro - 18-Nov-19 @ 10:16 AM
We live in between York and Leeds and my 8 year old is excellent at rugby.Is there any schools in the area that offer scholarships for sport talent please.
mother - 30-Jun-19 @ 5:14 PM
We live in between York and Leeds and my 8 year old is excellent at rugby.Isbthere any schools in the area that offer scholarships for sport talent please.
mother - 30-Jun-19 @ 5:14 PM
Hi my daughter is due to start a the meadoes montessouri school this september I am told by the Foxglove montessouri nursery the style of teaching is amazing Ihave been told by Foxglove she is very bright. My older two children are in top sets for English and Maths Freeman county primary and one in Stowupland high school but I feel with a change of head 3 years ago and 7 teachers resigned that the is Freeman c p is now lacking. I have recieved confirmation of a place in the Meadows montessouri school in ipswich this september but there are fees which I am going to find impossible to meet. I have hydrocephalus and spent a large quantity of my school years in hospital and want the best educational journeys for mt child
Jess - 8-May-17 @ 3:37 AM
Hi my son is10 years old and he is brelliant in grade 5 ..He like music and he can sing. ..I'm looking for best school for him..He is talented.I'm married but we can't afford to pay school fees,we need help...hope we can get help
Annah - 24-Nov-16 @ 1:58 PM
Hey, My sons school has no official PTA. There is a group that meets to raise funds and run fairs, but it is not called a PTA. Are schools stronger for having a PTA?
Charm - 27-Sep-16 @ 10:00 PM
Hi , my daughter is in year 3 and very gifted both academy and musical but I needed a schoo for her becausein her school both teachers and pupils alwayssaid she's so talented. Althoughshe is in stateschool .pleasewhere can I get scholarship or bursaryfor her. Thanks
Flaky - 15-May-16 @ 9:15 PM
Ruby - Your Question:
My Daughter sat the Queen Marys Exam and was 2 points short from the pass rate, my daughter is very bright, and very committed with her work, she is hoping to go to a Grammar school, I am a single mother and work hard for my children's future education, I would appreciate if you can tell me more information about this site and scholarships? and advise me what I can do.

Our Response:
Please see link: Ensure Entry Exam Success, here which may help you further and Get a Place at Grammar School, here.
GetTheRightSchool - 3-Mar-16 @ 1:46 PM
My Daughter sat the Queen Marys Exam and was 2 points short from the pass rate, my daughter is very bright, and very committed with her work, she is hoping to go to a Grammar school, I am a single mother and work hard for my children's future education, I would appreciate if you can tell me more information about this site and scholarships? and advise me what I can do.
Ruby - 2-Mar-16 @ 7:09 PM
Hi, I have a very bright child with ahigh potential, she is in state school and by january she wil be starting her grade 8 our salary cant meet private school fees i wish i can find help from u.
Sdudla - 14-Dec-15 @ 2:12 AM
Good morning!my son is in secondary education he is in form two but I am not able to accomplish his school fees please will you help my sonto accomplishhis eduction.please I am under your knees please!please!please! will you help my son.I will be thankful to you if you will help my son and god will bless you.
Mrs oritina - 18-Jun-15 @ 10:19 PM
@Sanya - I have included a link to the British Council for Education here which should give you more information. I hope this helps.
GetTheRightSchool - 7-May-15 @ 11:15 AM
Hi! My daughter Year 1 (6 years old) is showing extraordinary good results in school. Teacher is sending her in Year 2 for English( that is not hers Mother tongue language) and she is well above her peers in Maths too. Also, she is very talented for Arts ( she is drawing like she is 10 years old). Now she is attending state school. To Whom shall we address to ask for scholarship or bursary?
Sanya - 6-May-15 @ 11:56 AM
Gai, take him to a private school they day testers and the school can see if he isgifted and they will either give bursaries and that can mean they can help you on the fees, my son got 50% off, so make arrangements with schools or go on open days if they think your son has something special about him they will help to meet your financial situation.
Pamela - 19-Apr-15 @ 2:34 PM
@Gai - you would have to tell me what age he is and whether he is a UK or international student, in order for me to be able to point you in the right direction.
GetTheRightSchool - 17-Apr-15 @ 11:06 AM
Hi my son is a very clever boy plz provide me some details how to put him in a private school through scholar ship
Gai - 16-Apr-15 @ 11:55 PM
As teachers continue with the strike, we as parents are also asking them principals to consider our school fees this year. Its too bad parents to struggle raising fee for full year while our kids have been out of school for more than 4 months now since the start of the year.
Mossy - 9-Jul-13 @ 6:36 AM
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